Monday 3 May 2010


In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In creating my urban music magazine Volume which focuses mainly on the genre of R&B in the UK.I had to consider several things that would affect the suitability of the product for my target audience just like a real media product would. In my research I discovered that the magazine front over is the most important part of the magazine, this is because the front cover projects an image for the magazine and conveys to the audience what the magazine is about.

On my front cover the central image is of the feature artist for that issue. I knew that the top of the page is very important, as this is where the title of the magazine title/logo is placed and this has to be carefully considered to ensure the magazine attracts the attention of my target audience also so that it can be remembered. I choose to stick to this typical layout to ensure that I could establish a good readership for my magazine before doing something drastic on the front cover. I thought a change in layout could be published as a special edition issue as most successful music magazines do such as Mixmag and Kerrang.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

In my magazine I aimed to represent the culture of R &B and how the genre attracts a diverse crowd through the many sub-genres that develop from it. Some have smooth and soulful vocals accompanied by a piano or guitar. Some have hip-hop production and feature more dance tracks. Others are a part of the growing Neo Soul movement and songs that are reminiscent of spoken word poetry. I aimed for my magazine to be credited for giving the target audience what they wanted which is R&B but also to attract an audience who are interested in some of the sub-genres .Volume is a magazine that I believe sheds a positive light as my feature article focuses on the successes of my feature artist .This is a good way to give my readership a sense of belonging the magazine is reassuring that all of the things that is looked for in a magazine .The glamorous image and lifestyle being portrayed to them makes them they feel as though they can achieve this as well. In my magazine I thought carefully about the image of my feature artist, as she is portrayed as being quite glamorous this was to create a trend and Volume that my target audience will aspire to be like.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I think that IPC media would be the most appropriate media institution to distribute my magazine. IPC is a diverse institution which publishes a range of magazines for a wide range of audiences. Using IPC as my distributor is appropriate as they are well known for publishing well established fashion magazines such as Marie Claire and Look magazine, with audiences made up of predominately females which is the audience my magazine focuses on. IPC also distributes NME magazine which is a popular music magazine and has had great success in the UK market .The publishing company distributes over 80 magazines and their creativity, innovation, talent and commitment drives their market-leading position in UK consumer publishing. This is why I believe that choosing them as my magazine’s publisher would be a good idea ,as their experience and knowledge of fashion and music in the magazine sector would be useful as it would guarantee the success of my magazine to the consumer .

Who would be the audience for your media product?

My audience for magazine is for teenagers from the age of 13-18 who have a strong interest in R&B music and urban culture. As the magazine has elements of fashion and beauty tips, it is obvious that it would appeal more to a female audience. This I think is a good thing as there is certainly a gap in the market for an urban music magazine that is aimed at the female audience. However it still appeals to the male audience with its sexy portrayal of women. The magazine would be distributed in cities as it is evident that people living the country side would have no interest in a magazine based on urban culture.

I have used a large image close up as the central image which is typically used in music magazines, this type of shot is used to emphasise the main star on the cover. The image portrays the main star ‘DE-Andra’, as being a “diva” a typical personality of an R&B artist. I have used a bold font with a house style of pink and black .The effect of using music magazine using pink to portray a female star, not only with the font her name but what she is wearing, this way the reader is intrigued straight away and is interested in reading the article.

How did you attract/address your audience?

In my magazine I have advertised something free for my target audience, making the magazine more persuasive to buy, an element frequently used in magazines. I have detailed the free download on the front page on the top strip; this is used to entice the reader as the idea of something being ‘Free; often attracts the audience. As this is a music magazine I thought it was appropriate to do a completion about winning tickets to a festival, as these competitions in magazines are a chance for the reader to get more interactive with the magazine which is what I wanted my Volume to be able to provide.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

In the process of creating and constructing my magazine I have developed several skills, a skill that I has been particularly useful in process of creating my media product is using Blogger. I have learnt how to post my planning and research work on the blog that I had set up .I have used my blog as a key resource in the creating and editing process of my magazine ,as all my decisions regarding the product have been posted on my blog to show the progression in my work. I have also used blogger to create a poll to find out which title block for my magazine would be most appropriate, as I used the students in the college this meant the results that were obtained influenced my decision on what title block I would use for my magazine as the age group of the college students is the age group of my target audience.
My skills on Adobe have also improved vastly, before I started to create my magazine I could barely open Photoshop or illustrator now I know how to use both of the programs appropriately .

In Photoshop I have learned how to edit photographs to make them suitable for my magazine for example I have learned how to crop images and using the magic wand tool, I have learned how to make an unwanted background disappear. This skill was very useful as the image on my front cover had a lot going on in the background by cropping the image and getting rid of some of the background it enabled me to detract the attention of the surroundings on the picture and make the main focus the artist who was featuring in my magazine.

Adobe illustrator is the program which I used to set up my magazine. I used four print documents which I used to create my front cover, contents page and feature article. I have to edit these pages to ensure they were suitable for me to create my magazine. I transformed three of the print documents from the setting portrait into landscape, this was so that I could split the pages in half using the line tool and use them for the double page spreads for my contents page and feature article.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

In the progression from my preliminary task to the final magazine I feel I have learnt a lot. I have a better understanding of the construction of images and how the layout conventions affect the meaning of the magazine. My preliminary task was very basic, the cover is very plain with only a basic use of colour and text. The arrangements of the anchorage and puffs are disorganised and there is no clear house style .Also the central image is not very striking and lacks audience appeal.
However, In the process of creating my finished media product Volume magazine all the skills I have gained since creating my preliminary task have helped me successfully create a suitable front cover. I carefully planned how I would construct the pages of my magazine by creating drafts. The images are placed appropriately on the pages to accompany the text on both the feature article and the contents page.

The image I have used on the front cover of my magazine is very striking and to enhance the importance of the artist the image covers part of the title block. The image is very successful in captivating the essence of the anchorage ‘The Diva De-Andra’, as diva’s are often fussed over and made number one priority the front cover .My magazine is constructed well, as I have a clear house style of Black and pink, the information on the pages are well organised and structured well, for example the layout of my contents page is structured well into sections, this is so the reader can easily find the page they are looking for.

Final -VOLUME Double page spread ( Feature article)

Final -VOLUME contents page

Final -VOLUME front cover

Monday 29 March 2010

Sunday 28 March 2010

Feature article for my magazine

De-Andra‘s music career is at it’s peak .The rising star of the 21st century seems primed to be amongst the most successful artists of 2010. Soaring to the top of the charts with her incredible ‘so smooth’ this winter, De-Andra ‘s music career has been on a steady path, with a tremendous impact on the charts .

The talented and beautiful De-Andra’s music remains an exhilarating mix of various styles that we have come to expect from her. In a revealing interview she sat down with Volume to discuss her new album and her signature sound.

After meeting up for lunch, with our lovely columnist Laura Brentwood at a beautiful hotel in London .We found out how she manages to keep her name out of the gossip pages and her beauty secrets, including a surprising item that she always carries around with her. One thing that shouldn't be surprising, however, is how down to earth this diva is, which is one of the many reasons, why we love her.

L: Was singing always something you planned on turning into your career?

D: To be honest, as a teenager singing was always more a pastime rather than a serious career choice for me. I never really believed I was good enough.

L: What would you say is one of your biggest achievements?

D: I think definitely winning a Grammy last year, considering only being in the game for a year to have one such an honourable award was truly amazing.

L: I must say your new look is amazing, do you have a personal stylist?

D: I do have for concerts but other than it’s all me. I do my own make up and buy my own clothes it’s not that hard MAC does some wonderful make-up which is so easy to put on.

L: Would you say fame has changed you as a person?

D: (laughs) Fame has changed me in some ways, in the sense that there are certain places I don’t go anymore (laughs) I can’t just go to my local MC Donald’s without being bombarded by fans, it’s really touching and quite funny because I sometimes forget I am a celebrity.

L: OK, on a scale to 1-10 how much of a diva would you say you are?

D:oh no I would hate to be thought of as a diva (laughs) I would say 2 he only time I’m in diva mode is if the show is poorly organised and I have to end up sitting backstage ,I get slightly agitated with the hair and make-up stylists.

L: A question we are all dying to know ,what is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you on stage?

D: oh gosh (puts head in hands) it had to me the time I tripped on a lead for my Mic at a club in London. The audience didn't seem to care but I found it so hard trying to free my foot from the wire, it was so embarrassing,

L: when is your next single due to be released?

D: Well my album has already been launched, but the next single should be on radio by April hopefully.

L: Is this following the same style of your previous singles that were quite edgy for the genre?

D: Yeah, the whole album is very edgy. I have been inspired by so many other genres that It should be in a genre of its own (laughs)

L: What is your favourite song on your album?

D:I actually can’t think of one in particular however, I have had a lot of fun making the video for so smooth. The director had me in stitches, and we ended up having to literally 50 takes for one shot

L: Has there been any artists that have influenced you in the process of this new album?

D: I have always admired Rhianna as she has been the most successful in having a fresher take on her songs. I think she definitely set the standards for other R&B artists.

L:Do you think that your target audience being predominately to a British audience is a disadvantage to your music sales?

D: I wouldn't say disadvantage ,but it definitely has an impact BUT I am all for the UK ,I think that is the problem we have .Many of our R&B artists go to the states and try to appeal to that market and forget about the audience that should be secured right here in the UK.

L: What I find amazing is how you manage to stay out of Negative media

D: It’s simply really I just don’t talk .Except to magazines like this that are interested on my music and not my personal life.

L: So you wouldn't be willing to tell our readers one of your crazy obsessions?

D:(laughs) That’s not really personal ,I have to carry my own toilet paper with me. I know it sounds weird but I can only use a particular brand or I won’t be able to go.(laughs)

L: What advice would you give to young artists aspiring to be where you are now?

D: The best advice I could give to them is do not trying, never give up till you reach your goal. As long as you’re dedicated and have good demos there’s no reason you couldn't’t be in my position, in fact give me a run for my money.

L: One last question for you De-Andra do you think you have what it takes to make an impact on R&B in the UK?

D: I would like to think so; music has always been a passion of mine knowing that I am touching people’s lives would be amazing. All of my songs are written to make a difference to people and with that I’m hoping I will be able to keep R&B alive.