Monday 29 March 2010

Sunday 28 March 2010

Feature article for my magazine

De-Andra‘s music career is at it’s peak .The rising star of the 21st century seems primed to be amongst the most successful artists of 2010. Soaring to the top of the charts with her incredible ‘so smooth’ this winter, De-Andra ‘s music career has been on a steady path, with a tremendous impact on the charts .

The talented and beautiful De-Andra’s music remains an exhilarating mix of various styles that we have come to expect from her. In a revealing interview she sat down with Volume to discuss her new album and her signature sound.

After meeting up for lunch, with our lovely columnist Laura Brentwood at a beautiful hotel in London .We found out how she manages to keep her name out of the gossip pages and her beauty secrets, including a surprising item that she always carries around with her. One thing that shouldn't be surprising, however, is how down to earth this diva is, which is one of the many reasons, why we love her.

L: Was singing always something you planned on turning into your career?

D: To be honest, as a teenager singing was always more a pastime rather than a serious career choice for me. I never really believed I was good enough.

L: What would you say is one of your biggest achievements?

D: I think definitely winning a Grammy last year, considering only being in the game for a year to have one such an honourable award was truly amazing.

L: I must say your new look is amazing, do you have a personal stylist?

D: I do have for concerts but other than it’s all me. I do my own make up and buy my own clothes it’s not that hard MAC does some wonderful make-up which is so easy to put on.

L: Would you say fame has changed you as a person?

D: (laughs) Fame has changed me in some ways, in the sense that there are certain places I don’t go anymore (laughs) I can’t just go to my local MC Donald’s without being bombarded by fans, it’s really touching and quite funny because I sometimes forget I am a celebrity.

L: OK, on a scale to 1-10 how much of a diva would you say you are?

D:oh no I would hate to be thought of as a diva (laughs) I would say 2 he only time I’m in diva mode is if the show is poorly organised and I have to end up sitting backstage ,I get slightly agitated with the hair and make-up stylists.

L: A question we are all dying to know ,what is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you on stage?

D: oh gosh (puts head in hands) it had to me the time I tripped on a lead for my Mic at a club in London. The audience didn't seem to care but I found it so hard trying to free my foot from the wire, it was so embarrassing,

L: when is your next single due to be released?

D: Well my album has already been launched, but the next single should be on radio by April hopefully.

L: Is this following the same style of your previous singles that were quite edgy for the genre?

D: Yeah, the whole album is very edgy. I have been inspired by so many other genres that It should be in a genre of its own (laughs)

L: What is your favourite song on your album?

D:I actually can’t think of one in particular however, I have had a lot of fun making the video for so smooth. The director had me in stitches, and we ended up having to literally 50 takes for one shot

L: Has there been any artists that have influenced you in the process of this new album?

D: I have always admired Rhianna as she has been the most successful in having a fresher take on her songs. I think she definitely set the standards for other R&B artists.

L:Do you think that your target audience being predominately to a British audience is a disadvantage to your music sales?

D: I wouldn't say disadvantage ,but it definitely has an impact BUT I am all for the UK ,I think that is the problem we have .Many of our R&B artists go to the states and try to appeal to that market and forget about the audience that should be secured right here in the UK.

L: What I find amazing is how you manage to stay out of Negative media

D: It’s simply really I just don’t talk .Except to magazines like this that are interested on my music and not my personal life.

L: So you wouldn't be willing to tell our readers one of your crazy obsessions?

D:(laughs) That’s not really personal ,I have to carry my own toilet paper with me. I know it sounds weird but I can only use a particular brand or I won’t be able to go.(laughs)

L: What advice would you give to young artists aspiring to be where you are now?

D: The best advice I could give to them is do not trying, never give up till you reach your goal. As long as you’re dedicated and have good demos there’s no reason you couldn't’t be in my position, in fact give me a run for my money.

L: One last question for you De-Andra do you think you have what it takes to make an impact on R&B in the UK?

D: I would like to think so; music has always been a passion of mine knowing that I am touching people’s lives would be amazing. All of my songs are written to make a difference to people and with that I’m hoping I will be able to keep R&B alive.

Thursday 18 March 2010

Magazine drafts and page layout

Contents page Layout
This simply demonstrates the structure my magazine will follow.

Front cover page layout

This is the basic plan for the lyaout of the front cover of my magzine.I cretaed this to make it easier for me to oragnise how the images and information on the page.

First draft (front cover )

Wednesday 10 March 2010

Task 10-Analysing a Magazine article

The language of the article is generally quite formal, quotes made by Cheryl Cole ‘’contact lenses are a good touch’ the language is not complex but it is very easy to understand. This suggests that the article is targeted audience is people who are also able to read at a good standard due to the wide range of vocabulary as well being able to read simple sentences .The artist featured in this article is Cheryl Cole she belongs to the pop genre ironically, but she is used as a tool to get the attention of Q’s audience which is predominately males.

The text is an interview and is structured in paragraphs, information is provided regarding the artist before the question asked is revealed. The response Cheryl Cole gives is reported using speech marks frequently throughout the text. There is bold letter C that initiates the change of topic in the article. The article is set out this way to appeal to the some what intellectually male audience.

There is a double paged spread to present this article, but the page on the right is taken up by an image of Cheryl Cole. The page on the left however consists of the article mainly but there is an image to accompany the article towards the bottom right hand corner of the page. There is also a highlighted quote which suggests that is the main topic of the article. The magazine clearly values providing facts about the artists from both the primary source which is them and the information provided form the artist herself Cheryl Cole.

The tone of the magazine is one of an informed intelligent fan, it is apparent that journalist is fully aware of the history of Cheryl Cole and the background information that is significant for the reader to know to ensure they comprehend the points Cheryl makes in her interview. For example the mention of how the band she originated form was formed on the show ‘pop stars the rivals’ this information would be significant for the readership to know so they can understand why she feels different now in comparison to how she used to feel.

Cheryl Cole is presented as being this fierce edgy woman and to some extent a ‘rock chick’ in the two images that accompany this article. The anchorage at the bottom of the page says ‘’I don’t know what I look like any more. Do you know what I mean?’’This caption gives meaning to the images as it suggests that the Cheryl Cole is in the pictures is in fact not the real her, and she is unsure of her identity and who she has become.

The style of the article follows the house style of the magazine. This is proven as the colour scheme is consistent white, black and red is used on the double page spread which corresponds to the style of the front cover. The dark and edgy images also follow the same style as the image we see on the front cover and contents page.