Thursday 21 January 2010

Task 5-Analysing title blocks

MOJO which means 'talent' appeals to an adult audience or people of a mature age.There target audience is males 24-44 who are interested in all types of music as that is what Mojo specialises in.

.The title itself relates to the 70's when people started to express themselves and free themselves .This period also saw the emergence of new art forms and led to a more liberal society .The title alone has several connotations ,this adds to the appeal for the readership

.The Black and white colour theme and the font is very simple ,this is effective as it is symbolic to the readership as they enjoy the magazines simple nature,which allows them to comprehend the information provided very easily.

.The title has a dark shadowing effect,which is behind the letters .This gives the magazine an element of time, (MOJO focuses on a genres that are enjoyed more in the evening ).

The title is an example of onomatopoeia, as kerrang! refers to the sound made when playing a power chord on a guitar. The magazine is targeted mainly at the core audience aged 15-44 who have an interest in the music genre Rock. Readership data shows that the magazine attracts mainly male readers.

· The title is written in uppercase the bold writing is used to enhance the distortion of noise created by a guitar.Kerrang! speaks volumes and is successful in attracting readers attention.

· It is black with white lines this create a broken glass effect which symbolises the destruction and chaotic nature of rock music.

· There is an exclamation mark following the Title this gives the impression the title is a bold statement,it is presented in this way to ensure you remember it.

Vibe is music and entertainment magazine the publication predominantly features R&B and hip-hop music artists, actors and other entertainers. The magazine is targeted is predominantly young, urban followers of hip-hop culture, from 15-24.

· The Title is written in capital letters,this creates a bold and loud impression.Almost giving the magazine a voice. This symbolises the 'noise' made by the musicians which is featured in the magazine.

· The use of the colour red is very versatile and has several different connotations,it is usually used to symbolises danger or passion.As VIBE has used this colour it suggests they were allowing the magazine to be open to interpretation.

· The writing is not close together there is a noticeable space between the characters ,as the font is quite big and chunky it almost gives it a 3-D effect which makes the title stand out to the reader.

NME is a popular music magazine in the United Kingdom,“NME” is in short form for “New Musical Express”. This short form is used as it is catchy for the audience to remember. The target audience for NME is Men 17-30,it was particularly associated with gonzo journalism, then became closely associated with punk rock.

.The lettering is all in capital letters and the font size is very big,this is to ensure the title is bold and makes a statement for the magazine.(it is going o be remembered)

. The use of the colour red is quite bold and a hints at danger,which can be seen as the featured music being the cause of the danger,which is a good marketing technique as his often intrigues readership in finding out where the 'danger' lies.

. The outline of the letters which is white is used to show that the title has a 3-D effect and there is also a shadow effect which enhances the boldness of the title it looks as if it is coming out of the page .

• The black background creates the boldness of the title ,the dark colour is effective in creating a stark contrast to the bright red ,it is used to enhance the importance of the title.

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