Monday 1 February 2010

Task 6- Proposal and Questionnaire for magazine

Proposal for Magazine

I have decided to create a magazine, based on the music genre R&B. This magazine will be targeted at college students aged between 16-18.The magazine will be unisex this will ensure that it is successful and broaden the audience ,I have chosen to do a music magazine as I think that there is a gap in the market for a new music magazine aimed at that particular age group.


These questions are aimed to find out what you look for in a music magazine.

1. How often would you like a magazine to come out?

Weekly O Fortnightly O Monthly O

2. How much would you be willing to pay for a magazine of the Music Genre R&B?

Up to £1 O Up to £2 O Up to £3 O Up to £4 O More than £4 O

3. Select the two things that attract you most to a magazine?

Freebies: posters O CDs O A celebrity on the front cover O

Feature stories O Promotions (special offer prices on CDS) O Interviews O

Album reviews O Competitions O

4. Who would you prefer to see on the front cover of the magazine as a central image?

A new artist/s O A well established artist/s O A celebrity irrelevant to music O

5. Do the feature articles attract you more if they are about well known (established) artists?

Yes O No O
6. What do you find the advertisement of merchandise pages useful in magazines?

Yes O No O

7. What would you prefer of the magazine to focus on?

International music and artists O UK music and artists O Both O

8. Are you interested in pre-ordering the magazine in order to receive a membership?

Yes O No O

9. Do you think it is vital that a magazine includes promotions etc to ensure you are up to date with the approaching concerts and gigs?

Yes O No O

10. Do you have any suggestions for the name of my contemporary R&B magazine?

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