Monday 1 February 2010

Task 7-Analysing Questionnaire results

The results show that 50 % of people prefer to see new or current artists on the front cover of a magazine.This is important to take into consideration to ensure I appeal to my target audience.

These results below show the various features that attract people to magazines ,looking at the percentages it is clear that the :feature stories,freebies are the two most popular features with music reviews and cover mounted Cd's also shown a great interest in .These results will contribute in making these features essential when creating my own magazine.

There is a higher percentage of people that are willing to pay up to £2 for a magazine as there is only a 10% difference between the amount of people who are willing to pay up to £3 a negotiable price would be £2.50.

The results of the questionnaire show that a readership prefer fortnightly magazines ,with this conclusion, I have decided to make my magazine fortnightly to appeal to the vast majority of the readership.

Analysing these results has added to my research and assisted the process of me creating a new UK R&B magazine.The Questionnaire has given me a clear understanding of what features my readership will enjoy seeing in my magazine,with these findings I have decided to create a fortnightly magazine ,with a new artist on the front cover as well as advertisements of freebies and music reviews.

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