Tuesday 16 February 2010

Task 9-Analysing a contents page

Q uses several images on the two page spread contents page. On the left hand page there is a picture in the top left hand corner of a man on a guitar, this gives the reader insight into how they are significant to the magazine. Taking up most of the space towards the right hand side is a picture of Cheryl and to the bottom right of the page is a man who looks as if he is sinking towards the ground. On the right hand side of the page there is a lot going on as the page is taken up mostly by images.

The image of Cheryl Cole again fits in with this dark, gothic edgy look she is trying to portray. The ripped leggings and black costume highlights this. The image is also in black and white this is very effective in creating a very sinister mysterious feel to the image. Also her pose redolent to one of a gladiator or warrior, which conveys the message she is representative of the power of Rock music.
The image of the man who is topless is very interesting it represents the extremity of music. The man looks as if he is trying to drown himself but the absence of the water is what makes it so bizarre as you are not certain of what the message he is trying to convey.
There is also an image of a man playing a guitar at a gig which accompanies the short text, which is a Q review, the image is useful as the readers recognise the artist and can use this to find the page they’re looking for the other images do the same thing the man in the suit and the woman with the feather hat both are tools to direct the reader straight to a particular page. All the images that have been photographed specifically for the magazine all follow Q’s house style of red, white and black.

The target audience for NME is Men 17-30, and is closely associated with punk rock. As the magazine front cover and contents page is dominated by a prestigious woman in the music business, which is suggestive that this is used to attract the readership who this image would appeal to.

There are 10 images used in total but many of them are used to demonstrate what is expected on the forthcoming pages in the magazine and acts as to get the reader interested in what the magazine has to offer. There are three colours that are used are red, black as this is Q’S house style. The front cover is made up of these colours as they all have connotations to Rock music. The contents page corresponds with Q’s front cover and supports the magazines style.
The information regarding what is on the page is presented as a list where the page number is stated with a brief description of what there is on that specific page.

There also pictures of the important pages or pictures that you would find on the page so the readership is able to identify the image with that particular page in the magazine, this is useful if they are having trouble finding it. As the list of the pages is very basic in the way it is set out, it makes it accessible for the reader as they exactly what page to find what they’re looking for on.
The contents page is split into two sections; on the left hand side of the page it displays all the features in the issue and on the right hand side of the page it has all the regular pages that are usually in the issue. This makes it easier for the readership to access what they are looking for.

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